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Taking Growth Strategy to Execution

Defining a sound Growth Strategy as part of the overall Business Plan is just the first step to setup an organization for growth, only its successful execution delivers the desired business outcomes. Disruption Selling closes the loop between strategy development and operational execution across the entire organization.

Disruption Selling Closed Loop Execution Model

Disruption Selling takes the Growth Strategy all the way down into your organization's sales cycles, ensuring sales and marketing work on the right Target Market Segments with the right messages to systematically build market leadership positions with long-term hyper-growth potential.

The Growth Strategy defines the Total Addressable Market (TAM), the growth target, the Go-to-Market Model, and financial, human, and organizational resources. Next, the Sales and Marketing Plan defines the Target Market Segments (TMS) the organization addresses, assigns quantitative and qualitative targets to each of them, and assigns them to Portfolio Teams. Portfolio Teams establish TMS Plans with Sales Campaigns to generate the expected business outcomes, e.g., new customer wins, revenue growth, average deals size, retention rates.

Portfolio Teams fully own the execution of Sales Campaigns and take corrective action, e.g., disengage from sales cycles, reallocate accounts, and stop unsuccessful sales campaigns.

The owner of the Sales and Marketing Plan monitors the execution of TMS Plans on a monthly base while the owner of the Growth Strategy reviews the execution of the Sales and Marketing Plan on a quarterly base.

Disruption Selling Business Outcomes

The tight integration of strategy definition, planning, and execution accelerates the organization's learning curve, achieves Product and Go-to-Market Fit faster, and thus reduces lost investments in sales and marketing activities. More competitive value propositions increase win rates resulting in better sales productivity. The focus on a limited list of target market segments results in market leadership lowering discount levels and increasing total contract values.

Disruption Selling Maturity Model

Implementing Disruption Selling starts with an assessment of the organization's maturity. The Disruption Selling Maturity Model looks at the four dimensions market, focus, offering, and organization simultaneously and in combination across five maturity levels.

Every maturity level requires specific capabilities to address a market in its innovation adoption stage. Each level represents a higher, more sophisticated alignment between offering and organization capabilities with the developing customer needs as the disruptive innovation is adopted by the market.

A maturity assessment delivers the capabilities the organization must work on to proceed to the next level. The Growth Strategy must incorporate their development to ensure the organization stays inline with the market's expectations as the disruptive innovation moves through the adoption cycle.

Disruption Selling Tenets

Disruption Selling positively impacts growth drivers short- and long-term. It is about taking an existing organization with an existing offering to a significant higher level of revenue growth.


To enforce this, the Disruption Selling Approach follows a number tenets as self-imposed limitations:

The Product is the Product

We sell the existing product roadmap. We don‘t build on not yet available products.

The Team is the Team

We work with the existing team. We don't build on large-scale staff replacements.

We Fund Growth by Cashflow

We work with the existing cashflow. We don‘t build on large cash injections.

We Act Data-Driven and Result-Oriented

We work in the here and now. We don‘t bet on the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which organizations benefit from applying the Disruption Selling Maturity Model?

Companies benefitting the most from applying the Disruption Selling Maturity Model want to reach hyper-growth, are at Product Market Fit stage or later and have a Business-to-Business offering targeting Enterprises. In addition, Investors (Private Equity and Venture Capitalists) benefit from DS.


Is the Disruption Selling Maturity Model a new sales methodology?

No, the Disruption Selling Maturity Model  closes the gap between strategic approaches (e.g., Crossing The Chasm, Corporate Lifecycles) and operational models (e.g., MEDDIC, Value Selling, Challenger Sales) to drive consistent, end-to-end strategy execution across the Innovation Adoption Lifecycle.


Have you done it before?

The Disruption Selling Maturity Model is based on more than 35 years of experience in organizations from Series A all the way up to large, global organizations building triple-digit annual revenues from scratch.


Do you have references?

Yes, we’re happy to share references with prospects in the final stage of their decision making. 


How do I engage with you?

Disruption Selling provides advisory, consulting and  interim management for transition purposes. Book a session on our website to understand DS in more detail, conduct a DS assessment to understand on which level of the DS Maturity Model you currently are and start working with DS on the most impactful areas to improve your position in the DS Maturity Model.


Will Disruption Selling provide me with leads or close deals for me?

No, we don’t believe that fishing for you (providing leads or closing deals) as a 3rd party is sustainable. Instead, we teach you how to effectively fish yourself. 


What level of sales experience or understanding is required to benefit from applying the Disruption Selling Maturity Model?

All levels of experience and understanding benefit from working with the Disruption Selling Maturity Model, whether you are a founder with a tech background or an experienced, sales-savvy revenue executive. 


Do you also support hiring the right candidates for executing the Disruption Selling Maturity Model?

Yes, we support hiring the right candidates by conducting interviews with qualified candidates based on a proven approach, refined in more than 1,000 interviews.


What are the typical areas customers improve by working with Disruption Selling?

Our customers gain both efficiency by shortening sales cycles and optimizing resources, and effectiveness by focusing on selected strategic deals and improving win rates.


The Total Addressable Market (TAM) of my company is >$10BN, why should I care about the Disruption Selling Maturity Model?

A large TAM is great, but without focus it will lead to waste of scarce resources and a lower growth rate.


Which roles can benefit from working with the Disruption Selling Maturity Model?

Typically Founders, CEOs, CROs, COOs, Heads of Sales/Revenue.


When is a good time to engage with DS?

Anytime is a good time to engage with DS. The sooner you work with us the faster you are able to obtain the benefits and accelerate your journey to becoming a high performance organization.

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